
Inspired by the Lost Boys of Sudan and their extraordinary journey from Africa to America, the following fashion and jewelry designers created African-inspired custom designs reflecting each region of the Lost Boys’ journey from Sudan to Ethiopia, Kenya to America.


WIKIPEDIA – The Lost Boys of Sudan was the name given to a group of over 20,000 boys of the Nuer and Dinka ethnic groups. These boys were displaced o orphaned during the 2nd Sudanese Civil War in which about 2 million were killed and others were severely affected. The boys embarked on treacherous journeys to refugee camps where they were sheltered for a few years. Soon, official resettlement programs began throughout the US. The Lost Boys were offered new lives in major US cities.


It was such an honor to work alongside so many creative and talented fashion and accessory designers for this fund-raising event by FashionAfricana™ honoring the Lost Boys of Sudan. I had three weeks to design and create the finale wedding dress!

Gown inspired by the colors of the authentic wedding dress worn by women of Sudan. Red and mustard matte satin with 1/8″ metallic gold trim.
Original sketch used to create the final dress with patchwork pattern and Coptic cross on the back train.